WECOOP News Bulletin

The WECOOP News Bulletin provides brief information on the recent developments in EU policies and legislation, as well as on new relevant reports and studies published by the European Environment Agency or other specialized agencies. 

Biodiversity of Central Asia

Diverse natural objects and ecosystems, including vast steppes and extensive deserts, high mountains, meadows, forests and a huge variety of landscapes, the natural habitat of flora and fauna preserved intact – all these features allow us to speak about the uniqueness of ecological systems and biological diversity of Central Asia (CA).

The Analytical review of biodiversity and significant ecosystems conservation priorities in Central Asia aims to determine the key areas and prospects for effective cooperation between the CA countries and the European Union, developed with a view to the new concepts and responding to existing challenges, in order to combine fragmented actions into a system that would be in line with modern trends and best practices in international law and good governance and become a cooperation mechanism.

The Analytical review is available for download here:

Biodiversity map collection for CA.

Investor Guide

The main purpose of the Investor Guide is to provide structured guidance for Central Asian professionals on development of bankable project proposals and facilitate preparation of successful project proposal. It provides general guidelines and best practice for development of project proposal as well as provides information on the requirements and conditions, including proposal appraisal, respective project cycles and project environmental and social criteria, set by various relevant IFIs and donors providing funds for climate change adaptation and water and environment projects in the region of Central Asia.

Decision to develop Investor Guide for preparation of regional investment projects in Environment, Climate Change and Water in Central Asia was taken by the 6th Meeting of the Working Group on Environment and Climate Change, within the EU–Central Asia Platform for Environment and Water Cooperation, which took place in July 2017 in Astana, in the Italian Pavilion inside the Expo 2017 “Future Energy”. The Meeting has identified the following key capacity building and training needs to help filling in knowledge gaps to catalyse investments through improved understanding and professional skills:

  • IFI guidelines and procedures;
  • Key factors and diagnostic tools in the identification and design of investment projects;
  • IFI project cycle and project preparation and appraisal.

The Investor Guide is available for download here:

Circular Economy Brochure

This guidebook has been prepared to introduce the Circular Economy concept – one of the main policies that European Union has been promoting since 2015. Circular Economy covers sustainable production and consumption, as well as wise waste and plastic management. 


All WECOOP editorials are available in Russian only.