Renewable natural resources

Renewable natural resources natural resources, the recovery rate of which is comparable to the rate of their consumption. Renewable natural resources include resources of the biosphere, hydrosphere, land resources

Water-management system

Water management is an area of activity that provides:

  • management of water resources in order to meet the needs of the population and the national economy in water;
  • management of the rational use of water resources and their protection from pollution, contamination, depletion;
  • management of the operation of water supply systems;
  • management of prevention and elimination of harmful effects of water.

Water management in a number of countries an independent branch of the economy.

Water resources

Water resources reserves of land water, the World Ocean, groundwater, soil moisture, ice, snow cover, suitable for use in the national economy, and their energy: mechanical or thermal.


From the Greek, Hydor water + Logos word, doctrine
Hydrology is a science that studies natural waters, phenomena and processes that take place in them. The subject of study of hydrology is all types of hydrosphere waters in oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, reservoirs, swamps, soil and underground waters. Hydrology:

  • studies the water cycle in nature, the influence of human activities on it and the management of the regime of water bodies and the water regime of individual territories;
  • analyses hydrological elements for individual territories and the Earth as a whole;
  • gives an assessment and forecast of the state and rational use of water resources;
  • uses methods used in geography, physics and other sciences.

Hydrology is subdivided into oceanology and land hydrology.

Water cadastre

Water cadastre is a systematized collection of information about the country’s water resources, taking into account the size and forms of water use in various areas of economic activity. Water cadastre includes hydrological knowledge of the main hydrological characteristics and surface water resources.

Natural resources

Natural resources objects, processes and conditions of nature used by society to meet the material and spiritual needs of people. Natural resources are subdivided into:

  • reimbursable and irreplaceable;
  • renewable and non-renewable;
  • replaceable and irreplaceable;
  • recoverable and non-recoverable.

Natural resources include: minerals, energy sources, soil, waterways and reservoirs, minerals, forests, wild plants, fauna of land and water, the gene pool of cultivated plants and domestic animals, scenic landscapes, health zones, etc.